Our Blog

A Letter to Water: The Lifeline of Our Planet

A Letter to Water: The Lifeline of Our Planet

Dear Water, Growing up, the lake was more than just a body of water to me. For almost 38 years, I sourced my drinking water from Lake Arlington. The lake held stories of my...

Why should I scrape my tongue?

Why should I scrape my tongue?

The science of Ayurveda sees the tongue as a reflection of the internal health of the body. Many practitioners use tongue diagnosis as a window to the fitness of the inner...

Benefits of Shrimp

Benefits of Shrimp

According to Ayurveda, shrimp, like all foods is understood by looking at the qualities of the food. Shrimp is sweet, salty, dense, and watery. For this reason it has nourishing...

Elevate your seat, Elevate your soul

Elevate your seat, Elevate your soul

Sitting still and meditating for long periods of time is so simple that there couldn't possibly be any tricks for it, right? Wrong! Before all of the yoga postures and vinyasas...

Ayurvedic Recipies by Ali Nohinek

Ayurvedic Recipies by Ali Nohinek

Beet Salad 1. Grate one pink beet. 2. Grate about 1 tbsp of fresh ginger. 3. Add one teaspoon of plum vinegar or apple cider vinegar and/or lime juice. 4. Add honey to taste. 5....



What is stuck and why should we release it? Our tissue does not just hold physical tension, our tissue holds emotion. Think about every moment you have cringed when you...

What are Sun Salutations and Why Do We Do Them?

What are Sun Salutations and Why Do We Do Them?

If you have ever been to a yoga class, chances are you have completed some form of surya namaskar (sun salutation). Sun salutations are invaluable for setting the foundation for...



Rubber soles, air conditioning, insulation, heated seats, chairs. Have you ever considered that you are completely dependent on mother earth for your survival? The one source we...

The less than obvious reasons to practice yoga

The less than obvious reasons to practice yoga

Yoga is known to be great for improving range of motion, increasing bone density, improving concentration, decreasing stress and increasing muscular strength. However, there is...

Move it or lose it

Move it or lose it

Move it or lose it! You might have heard something similar before but have you really internalized the implications of such an idea? The fact of the matter is that the LACK of...

Your Furniture is Eating You Alive!

Your Furniture is Eating You Alive!

Your furniture is slowly killing you. That’s right. You heard me. In between your sofa, coffee table, your end tables and your bed...there is barely room for YOU. Think about it:...

Yoga obstacle: When the romance period ends

Yoga obstacle: When the romance period ends

Mathew 7:3-6 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to our brother, ‘Let me take the...